Utility Service Application for Water and Sewer Service: Download the form here. Return the completed form to clerk.russellvillemo@outlook.com or PO Box 128, Russellville, MO 65074.
Electric Service: Ameren Missouri provides electric and gas service in Russellville. Call 800-552-7583 or go online at Ameren.com to sign up for a new service.
Trash Service: Trash service within the city limits is provided by Republic Services, Jefferson City. Please call 573-635-8805 to set up your service. The City is under an exclusive contract with Republic Services, no other service providers are allowed to place their trash carts or containers within the city limits.
Phone/Internet: CenturyLink and Co-Mo Connect both provide phone and high-speed Internet service for residential and business customers in the City of Russellville.
CenturyLink: 1-855-382-0260
Co-Mo Connect: 1-844-99FIBER (34237)
Gas: If you smell gas, leave the area and call 911 and then Ameren Missouri immediately, not city hall. Ameren’s emergency number is 800-552-7583.
Emergencies and Cole County Sheriff: To report a fire, accident, or medical emergency, dial 911 immediately. To report a criminal complaint, including dog complaints, you must contact the Cole County Sheriff’s Department at 573-634-6400 and ask for a deputy or animal control officer. A report will be made of your call, which will be immediately dispatched to Sheriff’s Department staff. Please be advised that City Hall staff cannot make these calls for you.