The Mayor of the City of Russellville is an elected official who serves as the head of the City’s government. The Mayor is elected by the voters for a term of two years. The Mayor has a seat in and presides over, the Board of Aldermen, but only votes to break a tie.

Jointly, the Mayor and Board have “care, management, and control of the city and its finances” and may adopt such ordinances “as they shall deem expedient for the good government of the city, the preservation of peace and good order, the benefit of trade and commerce and the health of the inhabitants thereof” so long as the state constitution or laws authorize it (79.110, Mo Revised Code).

Fourth-class city mayors maintain pardon and remission power at the city level equal to that of the governor at the state level and the U.S. President at the national level. The mayor can remit fines or forfeitures ordered by the municipal court and pardon or grant reprieve to ordinance violations. This authorization doesn’t permit the mayor to waive court costs or other costs of bringing the charge (79.220, Mo Revised Code).

Every ordinance, resolution, or motion passed by a board of aldermen must be approved and signed by the mayor before it can go into effect. He acts as the city’s chief executive officer. The mayor has the exclusive authority to represent and speak for the city and the board of aldermen in all situations.


Sharon Morgan


Ken Bishop, West Ward Alderman/Mayor ProTem

Dana Frisby, West Ward Alderman

Mandy Benz, East Ward Alderwoman

Kevin Oetting, East Ward Alderman

City Attorney

Nathan Nickolaus