City Code
The Russellville City Code is available online anytime. It contains important information about:
- City government
- Public health, safety, and welfare
- Traffic
- Land use
- Building and construction
- Business and occupation
- Utilities
Building Permits
Cole County Public Works issues building permits on behalf of the City. The City has recently activated the Planning and Zoning Commission, responsible for the review of all building permits for compliance (setbacks, construction of new addition/garage, etc.). Upon the Commission’s review, a recommendation will be made to the Board of Aldermen for their approval/denial. To begin the process, please contact the City Clerk, who will forward your request to the Zoning Commission to appear on their next agenda. You must meet in person with the Commission and they request you bring a map/drawing of your project, identifying the size of the structure, location on your property, estimated setbacks, and any additional information that would be helpful in their review.
Once the Commission has the opportunity to review your project, they may ask you to provide additional information before a recommendation is made. The Commission will vote to recommend the Board of Aldermen approves the application for a building permit through Cole County Public Works or will deny the application. The Zoning Commission will forward their recommendation to the City Clerk for inclusion on the next Board of Aldermen meeting agenda. Upon Board approval, the Clerk will prepare a letter of approval that must be included in your application packet to the Cole County Building Inspector. A fee is assessed and collected by the County at the time of the application. Upon the building inspector’s approval, a copy of your permit will be mailed to the City for our permanent record.
Help Keep Our Streets Clean
Spring brings warmer temps and the grass starts to grow! We appreciate our residents taking pride in their property and their efforts to keep their yards mowed, raked, and generally cleaned up. We want to put our best foot forward, not only for ourselves but for visitors and those who may be considering Russellville as their future home.
It is the City’s job to keep streets clean and the city’s right-of-way stormwater drainage systems (pipes/ditches) clear and open to direct and control the flow of stormwater. We ask for your help by not mowing/blowing grass clippings into the street or raking leaves into streets or along curbs and gutters, in accordance with City Ordinance No. 2016.8.
As yard waste debris collects on the streets, it clogs the stormwater drainage systems, which could result in uncontrolled flows backing up into yards or basements. Safety is also an important issue for motorcyclists and bicyclists as accumulated leaves and grass clippings become slick and pose a potential hazard. Please collect grass clippings and leaves in the street and dispose of them properly. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen thank you and appreciate your cooperation and your efforts that help us keep our community looking its best at all times!
Yard Waste Disposal Site
The City’s free Yard Waste Disposal Site off Jefferson Road (at the old MoDOT Site just past the high school) has been very popular since its opening in 2017. We heard from many of you that a local yard waste disposal site would be useful. The site is generally open on weekdays for your use. For after-hour disposal, evenings and weekends, please call James at 573-338-4001 to make arrangements. We welcome your disposal of tree trimmings, yard waste, brush, grass clippings, and leaves. No stumps, landscaping timbers, building materials, yard waste in plastic bags, trash, white goods, tires, etc. will be accepted, and no commercial dumping is allowed.
The site will be monitored by the Public Works staff for compliance. Arrangements can be made for special disposals and for those needing assistance. Dates will be announced for special times and events such as Christmas Tree disposal and in response to storm damage events.
Annual Yard Sale and Clean-Up Day
It has become an annual event to hold city-wide garage and yard sales in the spring and fall, typically a Friday and Saturday. Notices of the date will be published here. A flyer is prepared for each Sale – please contact City Hall by the week before the event to have your address listed on the flyer. Flyers will be available to pick up at City Hall on Thursday before the event begins on Friday.
Republic Services offers a free Spring Clean-Up Day each year for their residential customers. A list of ineligible items for pickup can be printed from the City’s website.