The Planning and Zoning Commission hears requests for building permits, zoning changes, subdivisions, special exception permits, annexation, and amendments to the zoning code and subdivision code. The Commission offers recommendations on these items to the Board of Aldermen, who is the final approval authority. The Planning and Zoning Commission also hears proposals for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, which is the guiding document for the growth and future land use within Russellville. The Commission is made up of 7 members who are appointed by the mayor, subject to approval of the Board of Aldermen.
Contact City Hall or Matt Grayson to be placed on the Commission’s agenda. Notice of Zoning Commission meetings will be posted on the city’s website calendar.
Citizen Members
Matt Grayson, Chairman
Ashley Onstott, Secretary
Kevin Bishop
Amee Reed
Russell Wilson
Anna Wise
Board of Aldermen Representative
Ken Bishop, West Ward Alderman
Contact City Hall at 573-782-3511.